PharmaQ Services

PharmaQ Services




PharmaQ Consultancy incorporating

 PharmaQ on-line Pharma & Technology Exhibition:  This site in intended to be a common platform for pharmaceutical service providers and their products to the manufacturing sector.  It brings suppliers to the manufacturing sector to exhibit and show latest and GMP technology and/or services on a common platform.

 The consortium of professionals: to partner and host pharmaceutical experts for specific programs or services with focus to enhance Quality Assurance and Good Manufacturing Practices and the overall Pharmaceutical Quality management Systems.

 Capacity building & Skills’ Development:  To facilitate capacity building since Pharmaceutical Management Systems have a dynamic growth in know-how, skills and appropriate guidance hence the training needs assessment proficiency tests and continuous improvement.

 Mentorship in pharma practices: To promote good practises in the manufacturing and regulatory sector.

 GMP Roadmaps & CCAPA Clinics: To assist the development of strengthening and improvement of Good Manufacturing Practices, the GMP assessment and/or GMP Audits, and the subsequent to Correct and prepare Corrective Actions and Preventive Actions.


 Alternative Dispute Resolutions (ADR): To assist disputants to reach an amicable resolution in an Alternative dispute mechanism that is cost effective.

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